Friday, December 31, 2010

Checkers game-over in Haskell

The programming subreddit recently had a discussion about testing a checkers board for game-over. I wondered how specifying the rules for legal moves would look with Haskell's pattern matching, and this post is a study of that technique. In fact, you can run yourself. Copy-and-paste the post body to a file named Checkers.lhs to get a working program!

The game is American checkers or English draughts, played on an eight-by-eight checkerboard, of all surfaces.

> {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
> module Checkers where
> import Data.Char (toLower,toUpper)
> import Data.List (tails,transpose)
> import Test.HUnit
> data Board = Board [String] deriving (Show)
> size :: Int
> size = 8

For a rough idea of the punchline, I was hoping for code along the lines of

move ('w':' ':_)     = 1
move ('W':' ':_)     = 1
move (' ':'W':_)     = 1
move ('w':'b':' ':_) = 1
move ('w':'B':' ':_) = 1
move ('W':'b':' ':_) = 1
move ('W':'B':' ':_) = 1
move (' ':'b':'W':_) = 1
move (' ':'B':'W':_) = 1
move _ = 0

and eventually

> gameOver :: Board -> Bool
> gameOver b = blueMoves b == 0 || whiteMoves b == 0

The OP on reddit chose white and blue for the sides' colors, and above we have more-or-less declarative rules for legal white moves. A pawn or king (w and W respectively) can move to an empty space before it. Kings are special in that they can move backwards. The list ends with legal jumps, and everything else is invalid.

The code is repetitive, but I'll clean that up later.

An immediate problem is the patterns are linear, but all legal moves in checkers are along diagonals. I kicked around ideas such as using IArray or nasty double-applications of !!. Then I realized I could rotate the board by 45° with a shear, a transposition, and removal of placeholders.

-- diagonals with positive slopes
posdiags = map reverse . filter used . transpose . map shear . zip [0..]
  where shear (i,s) = (replicate i              '#') ++ s ++
                      (replicate (k - size - i) '#')
        k = 2 * size - 1
        used = not . all (`elem` "#.")

Getting the other diagonals is similar, but again brings too much repetition.

negdiags = map reverse . filter used . transpose . map shear . zip [0..]
  where shear (i,s) = (replicate (k - size - i) '#') ++ s ++
                      (replicate i              '#')
        k = 2 * size - 1
        used = not . all (`elem` "#.")

Having Board values to play with is trivial:

> board :: String -> Board
> board s = Board $ go s
>   where go [] = []
>         go xs = let (a,bs) = splitAt size xs
>                 in a : go bs

It chops one long string into rows, but with Haskell's usually-awkward multiline strings, it's not so bad. For example

startBoard =
  \ . . . .\
  \. . . . \

An early cut at blueMoves and reducing the repetition in the rules for moves was

blueMoves :: Board -> Int
blueMoves (diagonals -> (p,n)) =
  sum $ map move $ concatMap tails $ p ++ n
  where move ( b :' ':_) | b `elem` "Bb" = 1
        move (' ':'B':_) = 1
        move ('b': w :' ':_) | w `elem` "Ww" = 1
        move (' ': w :'B':_) | w `elem` "Ww" = 1
        move _ = 0

Sticking with the theme of repetition, whiteMoves is nearly identical with little breadcrumbs of differences. That was all good because I wanted to have a testsuite before I started refactoring.

tests :: Test
tests = test
  [ assertEqual "white must have piece to move"
      0 (nw ".b.b.b.b\
            \ . . . .\
            \. . . . \
            \ . . . .\
            \. . . . \
            \ . . . .")
  where nw = whiteMoves . board

Not bad for a start, but each testcase will have a dual for the other side—way too much copy-and-paste.

*Checkers> runTestTT tests
Loading package HUnit- ... linking ... done.
Cases: 1  Tried: 1  Errors: 0  Failures: 0
Counts {cases = 1, tried = 1, errors = 0, failures = 0}


To wring out the duplication in the code for each side's moves, I considered using Template Haskell—a cousin of Lisp macros for Haskell. I decided to push lexical closures as far as I could, and the result is below.

> blueMoves, whiteMoves :: Board -> Int
> [blueMoves, whiteMoves] =
>   let blueOrder = id  -- diagonals emerge in blue's perspective
>       whiteOrder = map reverse
>       count (direction,side) (diagonals -> ds) =
>         sum $ map sideCanMove $ concatMap tails $ direction $ ds
>         where sideCanMove ( p :' ':_)     | same p = 1
>               sideCanMove (' ': k :_)     | king k = 1
>               sideCanMove ( p : o :' ':_) | same p && opponent o = 1
>               sideCanMove (' ': o : k :_) | king k && opponent o = 1
>               sideCanMove _ = 0
>               same p     = piece p && toLower p == toLower side
>               opponent p = piece p && toLower p /= toLower side
>               king p     =  same p &&         p == toUpper side
>               piece p    = p `elem` "BbWw"  -- filter empty spaces
>   in map count [ (blueOrder, 'b'), (whiteOrder, 'w') ]

The code in count (notice the view pattern?) is a skeleton to be customized for the blue side and the white side, and it distills the repeated code. The definition of sideCanMove generalizes the rules for legal moves on either side. We have to reverse the diagonals to make them usable on the white side.

To get both sets of diagonals, the only difference is how to shear the board: bottom-away for positive slopes and top-away for negative.

> -- positive slopes slice from NW to SE
> -- negative slopes slice from SW to NE
> -- both extend in blue's direction (north-to-south)
> diagonals :: Board -> [String]
> diagonals (Board rows) = positiveSlopes rows ++ negativeSlopes rows
>   where positiveSlopes = go $ \(i,xs) -> (i, k - size - i, xs)
>         negativeSlopes = go $ \(i,xs) -> (k - size - i, i, xs)
>         k = 2 * size - 1
>         used = not . all ignored
>         go order = filter (not . null)
>                  . map (filter $ not . ignored)
>                  . transpose
>                  . map (shear . order)
>                  . zip [0..]
>         ignored = (`elem` "#.")
>         shear (l,r,s) = (replicate l '#') ++ s ++ (replicate r '#')

Finally come the tests that I added as I went. To factor out duplication, each board becomes two testcases. The first is as-is, and the same condition should hold for the other side. See the definition of invert in the where clause.

I had hoped for a more elegant result, but it was an interesting exercise and a fun problem!

> tests :: Test
> tests = test $ concat
>   [ checkMoves "must have piece to move"
>       0 ".b.b.b.b\
>         \b.b.b.b.\
>         \.b.b.b.b\
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . ."
>   , checkMoves "one move"
>       1 ". . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \w. . . ."
>   , checkMoves "one king move"
>       1 ". . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \W. . . ."
>   , checkMoves "two moves"
>       2 ". . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ .w. . ."
>   , checkMoves "king can move back from end"
>       2 ". . .W. \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . ."
>   , checkMoves "can jump opponent pawn"
>       1 ". . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \.b. . . \
>         \w. . . ."
>   , checkMoves "can't jump blocked opponent"
>       0 ". . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ .b. . .\
>         \.b. . . \
>         \w. . . ."
>   , checkMoves "can jump opponent king"
>       1 ". . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \.B. . . \
>         \w. . . ."
>   , checkMoves "king can jump trailing opponent"
>       1 ". . . .W\
>         \ . . .b.\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . ."
>   , checkMoves "king can't jump protected opponent"
>       0 ". . . .W\
>         \ . . .b.\
>         \. . .b. \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . ."
>   , checkMoves "king can't jump onto own piece"
>       1 ". . . .W\
>         \ . . .b.\
>         \. . .w. \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . ."
>   , checkMoves "king has four moves"
>       4 ". . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . .W. .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . ."
>   , checkMoves "cannot displace opponent on king row"
>       0 ". . .b.b\
>         \ . . .w.\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . .\
>         \. . . . \
>         \ . . . ."
>   ]
>   where nw = whiteMoves . board
>         nb = blueMoves  . board
>         checkMoves name expect b =
>           [ assertEqual ("white: " ++ name) expect (nw b)
>           , assertEqual ("blue: "  ++ name) expect (nb $ invert b)
>           ]
>         invert = reverse . replace [('W','B'), ('w','b'), ('B','W'), ('b','w')]
>         replace tbl = map (\c -> maybe c id $ lookup c tbl)

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